Sheffield Church Planting Hub
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Training and support to help predominantly lay-led faith communities to be planted in our region.
Watch an invitation from John McGinley, Myriad Director (our national expert partners)
Open to all denominations/streams. Not ‘owned’ by anyone. A collaboration of experienced church planters in Sheffield and nationally, investing into people who are pursuing the mission of God with a vision and intention to begin new communities of faith for their contexts.
The Hub host is Revd. Nick Allan (Baptist Minister, The Well Sheffield) in collaboration with Revd. Tom Finnemore (Anglican Rector, STC Sheffield).
With input, financial support and expertise from Myriad, part of the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication.
What does ‘church plant’ mean?
It means a team, with leaders, creating a cohesive community of faith with outreach at its heart, which reflects the biblical markers of ‘church’ in a culturally appropriate way, dependent upon its local context. New ‘churches’ will be in good relationship with existing local ones, and often connected to national networks/denominations. It could be smaller groups and missional initiatives away from traditional buildings and Sunday services. Equally, it could be the renewal of historic models of church to be missionally fit-for-purpose in the twenty-first century.
We all believe in church growth for the sake of the gospel, and Jesus loves his church in all its forms. The local church is still the primary tool of God to reach our region, where our contexts are all different. We need more communities of faith in the years to come, led by a variety of folk called by God, in strong relationship with other churches.
You may have gifted potential leaders in your midst, but you don’t currently have the capacity or experience to train them. This Hub is willing to train leaders from your midst, under your oversight, so they can be effective in your context.
Who is it for?
This is for anyone who feels called to start a new church community but hasn’t yet worked out what that looks like and how to go about it. And for those who have recently started a new church community (e.g. within the past 12 months) and need training and support.
We require that the person and their application are supported by an oversight minister. This should be the leader of the sending church (in any denomination), and their vicar in the Church of England.
The expected outcome of the two-year journey is that each team will start a new church community if they have not already done so. These churches will look different, be connected to different church streams, but share the same DNA consisting of devotion, discipleship and mission.
The learning pathway, over two and a half years, includes:
- 2-day in-person gatherings – input from church planting practitioners, sharing experiences, making plans
- Online learning platform – on-demand tailored content to work at your pace
- Mentoring – Between gatherings, experienced practitioners help you to reflect and put into action
Some of the input and training will be delivered in partnership with Myriad, a national Church of England church-planting programme.
Lay church planters will assemble a small team of people and join with a number of other teams to form a learning community that will grow together as they explore the tools they need as they plant and establish new church communities. This programme is designed to be lightweight and can be done alongside church and a busy life. Themes will include: vision and discernment; leading and teams; formation and core practices; planting and discipling; growth and multiplication.
Taster event 18 March 2023 (morning) at The Well Sheffield.
Open to all those exploring church planting, come as an individual or with a team. Meet the course hosts and see if this is suitable for you. Register your interest (no obligation):
Full course begins with a 2-day weekend in-person gathering in May 2023.
Followed by gatherings every 6 months (May & November), with mentoring in-between, as you begin to put your dreams and plans into action.