About Myriad
Our aim is to support the planting of thousands of new, predominantly lay-led churches throughout the Church of England and church in England in the next ten years, partnering with other church networks to inspire similar movement and witness the re-evangelisation of our nation.
We are for everyday people and leaders who are pursuing the mission of God and seeking to plant churches in their context. We want to resource training and support, bring together the learning from different networks and act as a catalyst and thought partner for dioceses and national church leaders to inspire change within the Church.
We’re inviting you to join us in this exciting adventure of faith. We don’t have all the answers but we are gripped by the call of God to his Church and excited to explore what it means to be a mixed ecology church, which is Christ-centred and Jesus-shaped.
Myriad is part of the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication, under the leadership of the Bishop of Islington, the Rt Revd Ric Thorpe.
Who Plants Churches?
This guide is for any Christian leader who may be discerning whether an individual has the potential to plant a new church community and is suitable for the learning pathway.
Fundamentally, the process of discernment occurs within a context of prayer, however, this guide offers further tools to help discern the calling of a planter.